How To Strategize Occasional Marketing Activities For Your Business?

How To Strategize Occasional Marketing Activities For Your Business?

What Is Occasional Marketing?

Occasional Marketing is a result-centric strategic plan to advertise and promote the targeted business on various occasions and festival seasons. The marketing plan is executed to achieve a short-term seasonal goal by building a long-lasting brand image in the eyes of the target audience. The occasions offer various chances throughout the year to increase business through enhanced sales volume and profit maximization. But to attract the attention of target audiences, a business needs to perform different types of marketing activities. Online marketing and its impressive tools help you gain popularity among people during a festive season faster than other days of the year. 

The Majority of business firms hire a digital marketing agency Vancouver, Canada to help them develop and execute a perfect occasional digital marketing strategy. “Bernum” is one of the most trusted and reputed digital marketing firms offering dedicated seasonal marketing strategies. Some most powerful & impactful online marketing tools are being used to communicate with mass auditions and convert maximum prospective into assured buyers. Some of the major occasions are;

  • Back-To-School 
  • Black Friday & Cyber Monday 
  • Christmas Celebration Week
  • Easter Day 
  • Father’s Day
  • Halloween Celebration Week
  • Mother’s Day
  • New Year’s Eve
  • Thanks Giving Day
  • Valentine’s Week

These occasions and festivals fall in different months of the year. These celebration days offer perfect business opportunities for business firms to make supernatural profits. But to increase the sales volume higher than other months throughout the year, you need to have a fruitful digital marketing plan. Let’s understand how these seasonal marketing tactics help grow your business. 

How Does It Help Boost Your Seasonal Business?
A perfectly planned and structured seasonal marketing strategy can help you promote your products and services in the right market targeting a large amount of audience to convert them into productive business queries. The festive season is the right time to focus on increasing sales and earning profits. On such occasions, people willingly invest and spend in buying various products and services. Festival promotions often lead to a long-lasting impact on the target audience. It helps businesses build a reputation in a very short time. It is important to develop the seasonal marketing strategy carefully by considering the ultimate target, budget, and available time. 

Formulating Occasional Marketing Strategy
The occasional marketing strategy formulation process is influenced by various factors. Thus you need to work on each factor separately while keeping them together. Hire a professional Vancouver online marketing agency to help you form a quality plan. 

  • Know Your Target Market 
In the first place, you need to understand your target market. What do they demand and desire? You need to do quick market research to know about the latest trends in the market. It will help you bring your products & services close to their needs and requirements. You also need to mind their buying behavior and investment patterns during the festival season. It is also vital to mark your target market size and build the market strategy accordingly. 

  • Set A Viable Budget
The budget is a base factor for the implementation of a season marketing plan. You need to set a genuine and logical budget so that you can hand over this task to an industry professional. A budget is worked out considering all the available factors. You can even work out a budget in competitive parity. It means that you can do market research and find out how much your competitors are spending on the budget. You can also consider a factor, ROI. It will help you to analyze how much your investment will give a return within the duration. 

  • Plan For Seasonal Marketing Activities
Once the budget is decided and necessary market research is conducted, a professional designer plans for various seasonal marketing activities. While planning for such online marketing activities, an expert keeps all the considerable points into the account. These promotional activities work as tools of communication targeting the set target market. 

  • Offers & Discounts Through E-commerce Websites 
  • Online Advertising 
  • Mass Mailing 
  • Paid Ads 
  • Run Contests 
  • Social Media Marketing 
  • Video Content Marketing 
  • Webinars 

Seasonal Digital Marketing Activities 
Here we will discuss the five most commonly practiced seasonal digital marketing activities. These virtual marketing tools are so impactful that you can expect higher ROI (Return On Investment) under the short duration of a particular season. People wait for such promotions and advertisements during the festive season to know about different discounts and offers running on various products & services. This is the right time when companies introduce or launch their new products in the market with some exciting offers. 

1. Bulk E-mail Marketing 
  • Bulk e-mailing marketing is a great concept for connecting with mass audiences during any festive season without wasting extra energy, effort, money, and time. A professional digital marketer shoots a promotional e-mail using different bulk email platforms targeting a large number of people with a motive to advertise, educate, inform, and do promotion of ideas, products, and services. These bulk emails are sent through either free or paid online applications that allow users to draft an attractive & smart promotional mail, and send it to hundreds of individuals separately at once. Some famous bulk mailing applications are;
  • AWeber
  • Brevo
  • Campaign Monitor 
  • Constant Contact 
  • Convert Kit
  • Get Response 
  • HubSpot 
  • Klaviyo
  • Mailchimp
  • Mailer Lite

2. Content Marketing  Content marketing plays an important role in making things work for a business in any season. However, an expert needs to put genuine efforts into developing high-quality content. The main motive of any seasonal content is either to promote any product & service or to inform the target audience about the focused product or service. Seasonal content can be of different types such as; 
  1. Advertising & Promotional Copy
  2. Articles/News Articles/Short Articles 
  3. Blogs/Short Blogs
  4. Banners & Posters 
  5. Brochures
  6. Guest Blogs 
  7. Posters 
  8. Promotional E-mail for Bulk E-mailing 
  9. Webinar Content 

Seasonal content carries more responsibility than the usual content as it targets the mass audience with a specific motive for a limited time. One should hire a professional digital marketing agency like; “Bernum” to develop clear, concise, concrete, easy-to-understand, engaging, informative, interesting, promotional, and qualitative content. 

3. Discounts & Offers
Discounts & offers attract thousands of people during any festival season. It is one of the oldest promotional tools that works efficiently to attract and compel individuals to buy any products or services. Discounts are the smartly worked-out cut-off percentage offered to the buyers on the MRP or MOP. 

Offers are like rewards that can be offered upfront or for a limited time. Unlike discounts, offers can be worked out in monetary or goods form. Offers can be worked in different ways like; 
  • Freebies 
  • Extended Warranty
  • Discount Coupons
  • Buy 1 Get 1 Offer
  • Lucky Draw 
  • Trial Period 

4. Paid Digital Advertising 
Paid advertising is another effective digital marketing tool that helps businesses to communicate and interact with target audiences. Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads are the major examples of such paid digital advertisements. This tool is capable of producing desired results and matching expectations. Paid advertising reaches millions of people carrying a message to share. Here, you can even interact with your audience through a text message or a call. 

5. Social Media Marketing 
Social media marketing is an effective promotional virtual tool that helps you connect with not only connections on the platform but millions of individuals. Digital marketing experts design and post various occasional promotional content such as; ads, articles, blogs, brochures, posters, news articles, and promotional content. Business firms publish advertisements on their social media handles to make people aware of their products, services, discounts, and offers. Hire a professional to execute this practice professionally. 

Hire A Professional Digital Marketing Agency 
We have entered into the winter’s festive season, and in this quarter, many occasions and social events will fall. Get the maximum out of it, and make the most of it for your business growth. Hire an industry professional to form a well-researched & thoughtful seasonal marketing strategy, and executive it systematically. We have a team of dedicated digital marketing practitioners. We are capable of handling complex design projects. We offer customizable and pocket-friendly digital marketing service packages. We convert ideas into result-oriented occasional marketing practices to generate higher footfall, sales volume, and profit margins. 

The festival seasons bring better business opportunities as the majority of people are willing to purchase new things expecting discounts, offers, and after-sale services. This is the right time to execute your seasonal marketing plan and position your products or services in the right market highlighting USPs (Unique Selling Points). It is a period when you can launch a new product for the targeted market. Join hands with a professional digital marketing agency like us, and increase your chances of getting high-quality advertising and promotional services. Get in touch with our experts and discuss your campaign needs and budget. We will help you with the best possible solutions. Call Today!